Workshop on Delhi’s Heritage

Venue: INTACH head Office, 71 Lodhi Estate, New Delhi Date and Time: April 24, 2018, (9.00 AM to 3.30 PM) The workshop was divided in to 6 sessions of 45 min each. The first session was on ‘Introducing and Understanding Heritage’ by Ms. Purnima Datt (Principal Director, INTACH HECS). She explained through a presentation, the difference between natural heritage and cultural heritage. She also briefed about built heritage and material heritage. The second session was ‘ Delhi’s Heritage and issues related to Urban Heritage’ by Prof. AGK Menon (Founder Member INTACH; advisor and former convener INTACH Delhi, Architect, Urban Planner and Conservationist). The presentation aimed at: · making citizens aware of the incredible richness of their cultural patrimony · inculcate pride and ownership in each citizen · change the cognitive ima...